
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New version! What is new?

What do you think of the new look of Solar Wx?

What's new?

  •  Now it's easier to navigate "reports" menu.

WeatherNow is WX Now:
  •  NOAA Scales Activity
  •  Solar circle sunspot, x-ray flux and ap progression

XRay Flux is now Monitors and and we have added:
  •  XRAY flux, of course.
  •  Proton
  •  Electron
  •  Kp Index
  •  Magnetometer
  •  Satellite Environment Plot
  •  STEREO A High energy proton
  •  STEREO A impact proton
  •  STEREO A impact electron
  •  Impact
  •  Solar Wind (6h)
  •  Magnetometer (6h)
  •  Magnetic and Solar Wind

SatEnvPlot is now Models of..:
  •  Ionospheric correction
  •  Wing Kp
  •  Relative electron forecast
  •  Wang-Sheeley-Arge models

D-RAP Global now... Now has a global view, one per pole, each in six different frequencies. And AuroraOvat is now Aurora, and it has the chart above, and one from each continent.
On WindPredict we added a prediction model something more complete. Both have their differences, you'll see.

And finally, we have completely changed the last two buttons, MagnetPause and IMF, for these two:

  • Tools: where you can find seismometers, tomography and of course, the content of the two previous buttons.
  • And finally, the satellite button, SOHO, where you will see the latest animated images of this telescope, or download the videos if you like. All are updated hourly, and some images are incredible. You must see it!

We think it is more useful, more visual, and of course, we have added many more tools, more graphics, more images, and have even changed the buttons to make the interface much friendlier.

But, the important opinion is yours, so, if you like, if you find it useful or just curious, or if instead you think was better as before, let us know with a comment in this post. We try to improve that which is improvable, as quickly and effectively as possible.

SolarWx (Vote us in GPlay!)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Solar Wx for Android

'Solar Wx' is an application designed to display the latest information on space weather.
With updated every minute charts, access to the reports issued by NASA and other agencies, solar wind simulator and much more content.
13 buttons with all necessary information to be aware of everything that happens to our sun and how it affects us.

  • Daily reports issued by NASA and other agencies.
  • Graphics updated each minute:
    • X-ray flux
    • KP Index
    • Magnetometer
  •  Simulator solar wind forecast
  •  Global UV absorption
  •  Aurora graphics
  •  Galleries:
    •  40 images of our sun daily updated
    • 22 charts showing all the latest information
  • Access to post "sun" of wikipedia.
  • Solar Flare Monitor
Solar Wx, your spacial application!