
Monday, April 15, 2013

Solar Wx for Android

'Solar Wx' is an application designed to display the latest information on space weather.
With updated every minute charts, access to the reports issued by NASA and other agencies, solar wind simulator and much more content.
13 buttons with all necessary information to be aware of everything that happens to our sun and how it affects us.

  • Daily reports issued by NASA and other agencies.
  • Graphics updated each minute:
    • X-ray flux
    • KP Index
    • Magnetometer
  •  Simulator solar wind forecast
  •  Global UV absorption
  •  Aurora graphics
  •  Galleries:
    •  40 images of our sun daily updated
    • 22 charts showing all the latest information
  • Access to post "sun" of wikipedia.
  • Solar Flare Monitor
Solar Wx, your spacial application!