
Monday, July 8, 2013

European Space Agency YouTube Update

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano will venture outside the International Space Station to install equipment and perform maintenance. Luca talks about how he felt when he heard he would go on two spacewalks during the Volare Mission and how he trained underwater for the so-called Extra-Vehicular Activities.

European Space Agency Flickr Update

Integration of MIRI into the James Webb Space Telescope

Inside the cleanrooms of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, the international James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is beginning to take shape.
JWST is a future infrared space observatory with a collecting area more than two and a half times larger than ESA's Herschel – the largest infrared scientific telescope so far flown to space.

REACTing to a crisis

Irish Coast Guard took part in the exercise
Keeping all lines of communications open during a crisis is critical – and the Dublin Fire Brigade has shown how this can be done using satellite and hybrid technologies. 

Thales Alenia Space kicks off Euclid construction

The construction of ESA's Euclid space mission to explore the 'dark Universe' will be led by Italy's Thales Alenia Space as prime contractor, beginning the full industrial phase of the project.

Spacewalking Luca

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano, living and working on the International Space Station, will venture out into space on Tuesday 9 July. 

Station Astronauts Prep for U.S. Spacewalk

ISS036-E-014724 (3 July 2013) --- NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy (left) and European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano, both Expedition 36 flight engineers, attired in their Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) spacesuits, participate in a "dry run" in the International Space Station's Quest airlock in preparation for the first of two sessions of extravehicular (EVA) scheduled for July 9 and July 16. 
NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg, flight engineer, assists Cassidy and Parmitano.


Space science image of the week: The James Webb Space Telescope is fitted with its mid-infrared instrument, MIRI